Types of treatment
Five Element acupuncture
In contrast to styles of acupuncture that are based on addressing symptoms, Five Element prefers to look more at the person who is experiencing the symptoms.
This is an intuitive approach, ideally suited for people who know they aren't well but when they go for orthodox tests these always come back clear.
Its central focus is the individual and their unique response to Life and being Alive. Its strength is its ability to 'think outside the box'. Rather than try and force the patient's symptoms to fit into a well ordered system it allows for individual quirkiness.
Five Element is recommended for people whose symptoms don't fit conventional patterns or who simply feel 'off colour'. It has benefits for people suffering from:
- anxiety
- insomnia
- inner tension
- worry
- grief
- inability to focus and concentrate
- fears and phobias
- lack of confidence
- unexplained tiredness
- lack of motivation and drive